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How do I join VSO Dance?

Check out VSO Dance’s instagram if rosters are open. If they are, head to the show page. There, you’ll find in-depth information about performing for the show.


What are Performance Directors and who are they?

Performance Directors (PDs) help coordinate everything behind VSO Dance, including logistics, choreography, and more. Learn more about your PDs in the VSO Board page!


Where can I find the most up-to-date information about VSO Dance?

Check our Instagram and our Discord for the latest news in VSO Dance.


I’ve never danced before. Can I still join?

Of course! In fact, the majority of VSO Dance has never danced before college. VSO dance includes several levels of dance that you can choose from. 


What does the rehearsal schedule look like?

Rehearsal times vary based on the pieces you sign up for. Typically they will meet sometime after 5PM and range from 1-2 hours long.

Vietnamese Student Organization


Follow us on social media to stay updated about our upcoming events! Show up to our general body meetings (GBMs), join our cultural show committees, sign up for ACE week, and more! 


Get added to our mailing list to stay up to date with all UFVSO-related events!


Any questions about us or what we do?  Email us at or DM us on any of our social medias and we'll try to get back to you as soon as we can!

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